LinkedIn Privacy policy


This Privacy Policy provides detailed insights into the data management practices of EMB Management concerning the collection, utilization, and sharing of personal information obtained from users through LinkedIn for lead generation purposes. It articulates our commitment to handling your data responsibly and transparently.

This policy is comprehensively applicable to all data collected by EMB Management in the context of your engagement with LinkedIn as an instrumental lead generation platform.

Information Collection and Use Personal Data In the course of lead generation activities on LinkedIn, EMB Management will collect personally identifiable information, which includes:

Your full name
Contact details such as email address and phone number

It is crucial to note that EMB Management does not share this Usage Data with third parties. Instead, the data is exclusively used internally to inform and enhance the services provided by EMB Management. Our use of this data is focused on delivering targeted and relevant information about our services, ensuring that our outreach is aligned with your professional interests and needs.