Metal Magnetic Memory Inspection

Project Summary

EMB Management conducted a successful inspection test on a 30 km section of an 8-inch pipeline.


Metal Magnetic Memory Inspection



Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM)



EMB Management’s Role

In August 2022, EMB successfully conducted a comprehensive MMM inspection of an 8-inch pipeline located in  British Columbia. Over the course of the inspection, a total of 19 kilometers of pipeline were meticulously examined, resulting in the identification of 30 severe anomalies, 188 mild anomalies, and 821 light anomalies.

The EMB team promptly communicated our findings to the client, emphasizing the utmost importance of addressing the 30 severe anomalies as a top priority. The client subsequently acknowledged that 14 of these anomalies corresponded with their existing In-line Inspection (ILI) data. As a result, they have committed to carrying out the necessary excavation work to further investigate and resolve the remaining 16 severe anomalies.

In March 2023, the client diligently conducted five excavation operations to validate the 16 unidentified anomalies highlighted in our MMM inspection report. These five sites were specifically chosen as they were separate from the 14 locations that had already been corroborated with pre-existing In-line Inspection (ILI) data.

Upon further examination, four out of the five investigated locations were confirmed to exhibit potential threats, with one site displaying a minor crack on the periphery of the specified area. As for the fifth location, which seemingly posed no immediate risk, we clarified that it could potentially represent a steel microstructure variation. Such variations can only be accurately identified through Destructive Testing procedures.

We have requested the client to provide us with detailed information regarding this particular anomaly to enable us to reassess the associated graphs and data thoroughly.